This set of low voltage capacitors addresses a common issue with Sunfire True Subwoofer amplifiers (including the Mk II and Architectural, but not the EQ): a half dozen capacitors in particular degrade and lose capacitance after several years due to weak components. Six new Panasonic FR low-ESR capacitors are provided to address the most common failure, as well as photos of their location. Two other smaller capacitors also typically degrade near them, so those two are included, as well as three nearby zener diodes that sometimes have degraded from strain caused by the degraded capacitors. Kester solder is also included. New starting November 2023: I added seven 470 uF 35v FR capacitors (C7, C17, C28 on one board; C27, C29, C41, C42 on another board). They have not been as common a source of failure, but an experienced gentleman who has repaired many of these panels would routinely replace/upgrade at least six of these. So to be more thorough, this kit now includes all seven. Note that Sunfire's originals were rated for up to 16 or 25 volts. The replacements are rated for up to 35 volts. Four cautions: 1). Most importantly, observe proper safety precautions . These amplifiers store dangerous voltages in two 200 volt capacitors and in circuits connected to them, even after the amplifier has been unplugged for days. Handling circuits that can still hold high voltage is not something a novice should attempt. I always discharge those capacitors through a resistor before beginning work. 2) While these capacitors address a problem so common that I would address it automatically with every one of these amplifiers as a starting point, there could be additional problems beyond what this kit addresses. Using this kit does not assure that your amplifier will be repaired. 3) Desoldering and soldering is required for installation. Be careful not to press on the copper trace or pad when desoldering, nor overheat it, or it may lift. If that happens, note where the trace on the top side of the board connects, so that you can be sure you have correct continuity with the new component. Using a jumper may be necessary. Double-check your work. 4) Be sure to observe correct polarity with the diodes and capacitors. Each component needs to be oriented facing the correct direction (+ and -). Condition is "New". The capacitors ’ lead spacing is the same as the originals ’. As of September 2024, out of 43 kits installed, one was reported as unsuccessful in eliminating a hum that originated in the subwoofer.