A lot of electronic equipment makes use of inductive components in the form of various kinds of transformers and chokes etc. In circuitry like switch mode power supplies and LCD backlight inverters as well as older CRT line output (flyback) transformers and deflection yokes, high voltages are involved and there is always the risk that the insulation between wires in the windings of those components will break down. These parts are usually hard to find and always expensive. When the symptoms of a fault point to an internal breakdown in a transformer or inductor, the technician needs to be pretty sure that the part is defective before looking for a replacement. This new tester works on the principle that when a charged capacitor is connected to an inductor, it forms a resonant circuit. When there are only low losses in the circuit, the voltage across the inductor will be a decaying sine wave with a substantial number of oscillations. It's the electrical equivalent of tapping an empty glass, which "rings" at a particular frequency. The new more sensitive design now allows analysis of a very wide range of inductors, coils and transformers even to those of AC 50Hz and output power transformers of the audio circuits. User Manual :